Shipping and Returns

How long does my order take to make and ship?

Once you’re order is placed and you have decided on a design and approved of said design, your items can take anywhere from 1-3 days to be made and 5-7 days to ship. Everything depends on whether I have enough stock, how many orders there are to be made prior to yours and any other obstacles that may pop up.

Do you offer international shipping? 

I don’t currently, but if there suddenly becomes a high demand and want for overseas orders, it is definitely something I can look into and consider! It will just incur a higher shipping rate is all and will require a longer shipping time

What is your return policy? 

If one of my items arrives damaged/ discoloured or there is any other physical faults to it, I will happily replace the damaged product, once the broken item is shipped back to me and I can dispose of it properly.

If you receive your item and have agreed to the design before the item has been shipped, then receive it and decide you no longer want it, unfortunately I can’t do anything there and you will be stuck with it.